140520 - In summary, the Services comprise: Demolition of five existing halting site bays and design and construction of five houses in their place.
It is proposed that Cena Culturally Appropriate Homes in partnership with Galway CityCouncil will provide the Demolition of five existing halting site bays and provide thedesign/construction of five new build houses. The development will be project managed byCENA with input from the City Council. An Integrated design team will be appointed toprogress the scheme from feasibility through planning, construction and handover to CENAHousing Management team. The integrated design team will lead the procurement andconstruction of the development through the Capital Works Management Framework withinput from CENA.SCOPEThe proposed site for the scheme is located on lands in the ownership of Galway CityCouncil (GCC)Cena has undertaken a preliminary site assessment and consultation with Traveller familiesresiding at Circular Road Galway.The existing site has been in existence since 1988 and consists of five traditional halting sitebays. Each bay has a service unit, but these are in poor condition and rarely used. Residentsdepend upon mobile homes in each bay for basic cooking and sanitary purposes. Thecurrent condition of the majority of mobile homes is also poor.
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45000000 - Construction work
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors