710996450 - Kenya CITSO Construction RIBA 5/6
-Headquarters Building - this is a new build facility located on a greenfield site, approximately 1,100m2 IPMS 2 / GIA. The building will include a reception / waiting area, office spaces, conference rooms, plant rooms and external works consisting of new access roads, hardstanding, footpaths and landscaping. -Medical Centre - this is a new build facility located on a greenfield site, approximately 700m2 IPMS 2 / GIA. The building will include a reception / waiting area, office spaces, examination rooms, triage / procedure rooms and external works consisting of new access roads, hardstanding, footpaths, covered parking for ambulances and landscaping. -Both facilities will be constructed against a combination of UK and Kenyan Building Regulations, with the main elements designed to Kenyan Building Regulations and elements such as Fire (Part B), Electrical (Part P), and Accessibility (Part M2) designed to the UK Building Regulations. -Both buildings will be a single storey height with exception to the entrance / conference room within the HQ building which will be taller, 4.4m upper roof height. -Both buildings will be designed and constructed in line with Eurocode 8 for seismic resistance.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45000000 - Construction work
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors