
: Marine Treasures, Natur am Byth Water Quality Project Llyn & Ynys Mon & Pembrokeshire


This is an invitation to quote (ITQ) for the contract for the Water Quality Project: Llŷn & Ynys Môn and Pembrokeshire during the development phase of Natur am Byth!MCS, who are leading on Welsh Marine Treasures, the marine component of the Natur am Byth! programme, have contracted a regional coordinator for each of the two marine project areas: Pembrokeshire and Llŷn & Ynys Môn. On behalf of MCS, the regional coordinators will supervise the species/theme-specific contracts.Welsh Marine Treasures covers the following marine species and themes,•Native oyster (Ostrea edulis) – Pembrokeshire focussed, although links to Llŷn & Ynys Môn region•Pink sea fan (Eunicella verrucosa) – Pembrokeshire only•Seagrass (all relevant species) – both regions•Crawfish (Palinurus elephas) – both regions•Water quality theme – both regionsThis invitation to quote comes under the water quality theme of the development phase. The project aims include a review of existing water quality projects, initiatives and monitoring, as well as engagement with stakeholders to identify actions relevant to the Welsh Marine Treasures project area as well as general actions relevant at a Wales level.This contract is part of the development stage of Natur am Byth! which is funded by National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF). Further work on water quality will be part of the next (delivery) stage subject to successful completion of the development stage.The contractor will work closely with the Llŷn and Ynys Môn Regional Coordinator, Welsh Marine Treasures, who will be leading on this work. The contractor will also need to work with the Pembrokeshire Regional Coordinator.3. Terms and Conditions of contract3.1 Detailed terms and conditions that apply to this contract are included below.4. Description of the requirement4.1 Expected outputs/deliverablesThis invitation to quote covers a contract reviewing water quality projects, initiatives and monitoring that have taken place or are ongoing across Wales, this includes both statutory and non-statutory work.The work has been split into separate work packages to facilitate quoting. Please can you itemise your quote for each work package. It is estimated that the time spent on each work package will be as follows:Work package 1 20%Work package 2 40%Work package 3 40%Work packages:1. Review of existing water quality projects, initiatives and monitoringA desktop study collating high level information on existing statutory and non-statutory water quality projects and initiatives that have taken place or are ongoing across Wales. This review should include engagement with relevant stakeholders involved in these projects.Collate and summarise, in an accessible way, what information is collected in relation to water quality in Wales through, for example, Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and Water Framework Directive (WFD) monitoring, creating maps where relevant. Identify gaps in data collection and assess how to fill them. Reference needs to be made to relevant management tools such as regional SAC Management Plans, NRW’s Protected Sites Actions Database and Opportunity Catchments. The review will be written up as a report.2. Organise a water quality workshop for Statutory StakeholdersOrganise a workshop of decision makers/regulators (e.g. NRW, Dŵr Cymru, SAC Officers) to discuss the review carried out in work package 1. The aim of the workshop is to determine what needs to be done with water quality, identify gaps and how to integrate across different Directives, sharing information and best practice. The focus of the workshop will be determined during work package 1 in consultation with the Llŷn & Ynys Môn regional coordinator, Welsh Marine Treasures.3. Workshop report and recommendationsWrite up of the workshop to include recommendations for water quality actions, focussing on any gaps that need to be filled and how that could be best achieved. General recommendations should be Wales wide but location specific recommendations should focus on the Welsh Marine Treasures project area. The action plan should focus on the water quality aspects most affecting the Welsh Marine Treasures species.Deliverables:1.Report covering work package 1 as detailed above2.A comprehensive list of key organisations and/or individuals involved in project or statutory work on water quality in the project areas3.Workshop results in the form of a report with recommendations and other materials as necessaryNOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at


Published Date :

9th Jun 2022 2 years ago

Deadline :

7th Jul 2022 2 years ago

Contract Start :


Contract End :


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Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

TenderBase ID :


Low Value :


High Value :


Region :

North Region

Attachments :

Buyer Information

Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

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Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

Email :

Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors