1014 Medium-Term Residual Waste Treatment Contract
Essex County Council is issuing this Prior Information Notice (PIN) as a Request for Information (RFI) to engage with the market and to gather information in order to gain a better understanding of both the capacity and appetite of the market in delivering the proposed services, and to alert the market to a future tender opportunity.The Council currently have a framework agreement in place for medium term residual waste disposal services, however the framework expired in October 2021. Service orders awarded under the existing framework agreement, which involve the processing of circa. 350,000 tonnes of residual waste from the Council per annum, expire on 31 March 2024 hence the Council are seeking to procure new residual waste disposal arrangements.The Council’s primary concerns are waste acceptance, price and environmental impact, and how we can minimise our exposure to these concerns.The Council wishes to invite interested providers to attend 1-2-1 market engagement sessions – either in person at County Hall, Chelmsford, Essex, or online via a Teams meeting – to share and discuss their views and responses to the Council's market engagement questionnaire.A timetable of available sessions has been provided below for potential bidders to select from. These will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis. The Council intends for these 1-2-1 sessions to be up to two hours in length and would therefore politely request that potential bidders provide their completed questionnaires to the Council 3 business days ahead of your allocated meeting to allow for a meaningful and productive discussion.If potential bidders are unable to attend a 1-2-1 session and would like to respond and engage, please complete and return written responses to the questionnaire by 16 June 2023.It is important to note that this PIN is not a call for competition and as such you will need to express your interest in any future tender opportunity once the contract notice is published in Find a Tender and on Contracts Finder.It should also be noted that this PIN invites individuals and organisations to express an interest in this exercise only, and it is NOT a pre-qualification questionnaire, and is NOT part of any pre-qualification or selection process.This PIN is intended as an awareness, communication, and information gathering exercise. An expression of interest is no indication of a commitment to participate in any future tendering process nor does it infer any preferential or special status on those individuals and organisations who participate.To receive a copy of the Council's market engagement questionnaire and to book a 1-2-1 session please email can choose whether the below meetings are conducted face to face (in County Hall, CM1 1QH) or virtually via Teams.06/06/2023 - 10am to 12pm06/06/2023 - 2pm to 4pm08/06/2023 - 2pm to 4pm15/06/2023 - 10am to 12pm15/06/2023 - 2pm to 4pm16/06/2023 - 10am to 12pm16/06/2023 - 2pm to 4pmTimetable for Virtual Meetings via Teams Only07/06/2023 - 2pm to 4pm08/06/2023 - 10am to 12pm12/06/2023 - 10am to 12pm12/06/2023 - 2pm to 4pm13/06/2023 - 10am to 12pm13/06/2023 - 2pm to 4pm
Pretender :
Not Identified
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
90500000 - Refuse and waste related services
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
Name :
Designation :
Phone :
Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors