1314-303 Mental Health Forensic Step Down Accommodation.
The Council has piloted a service providing specialist registered residential care for men (aged 18-65) with complex needs who have been convicted of committing serious offences whilst mentally ill. People who committed criminal offences whilst they were experiencing mental illness are served through the forensic mental health pathway in which this service sits. The service is for people who are moving from medium and low secure forensic mental health services back to Islington. Specifically, this service is for those people moving down from specialist residential care and supports a graduated step in the pathway to greater independenceThe service aims to directly contribute to empowering individuals, positively contribute to policy/strategies affecting planning and provision of services and enhance the quality of life of mental health service users.The requirement.The Service will deliver the following outcomes:— Service users will be supported to move toward and maintain independent living in the community.The Service's high level outcomes will be achieved by:— Ensuring that the Service is delivered in a safe and supportive way;— Ensuring service users have individual support plans;— To work in close partnership with Community Mental Health Teams (also known as Rehabilitation and Recovery Teams) and the North London Forensic Service to manage the mental health of service users;— To work closely with health services and the wider community such as housing, employment, education and training, benefits, substance misuse services; and the wider health services to ensure that service users have their needs met;— To reduce the social isolation of service users.The service will allow service users to experience more independent living with support on site 24 hours a day. The service must be tightly linked to the forensic care pathway in Islington as service users will be drawn from this pathway and will potentially return to it if they cannot sustain themselves in this service.Referrals were only accepted for people already in specialist residential care for people, following a prior discharge from secure forensic mental health settings. People with these needs are served by Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust (C&I FT) integrated health and social care mental health teams, and where appropriate with input from a specialist NHS North London Forensic Service community mental health team.Additionally the provider must be able to:— Provide three units of accommodation based on a single site within the London Borough of Islington. The three single units must be in a suitable building with communal facilities (kitchens, bathrooms, laundry, lounge areas), with the relevant specialist planning permission, supported by appropriately trained staff, from the contract start date of 1.1.2015.— Provide 24-hour staff cover, 365 days a year. As an independent living style project staff are not expected to be physically on site 24 hours a day but staff should be able to be on site within five minutes of a call out being made traveling by foot only.
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85000000 - Health and social work services
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1 Possible Competitors