238_25 Physical Education, Outdoor Leisure and Fitness (including Swimming) and Mats
NOTE: The Closing date for submission of Tenders has been extended to 12:00, 14 October 2024. The supply of primary and secondary physical education equipment, swimming equipment, fitness equipment, outdoor leisure and games, and mats to be supplied direct to customer establishments and to the ESPO distribution centre. Lot 1 - Physical Education Equipment Lot 2 - Swimming Equipment Lot 3 - Fitness Equipment Lot 4 - Gymnastic, Landing and Exercise Mats and Mat Trolleys Lot 5 - Leisure and Outdoor Games The framework agreement has the option to extend for up to a further 23 months. The total estimated value stated (which is captured in this notice as a Value excluding VAT) includes the option period. The minimum financial requirement for the purposes of the current tender exercise is stated in the procurement documents. However in summary, Tenderers are required to have positive net assets / shareholder funds. If a Tenderer fails to pass the financial assessment and is part of a larger group, provided that the group accounts are provided to ESPO on request and these pass the financial test, a parent company guarantee may be acceptable provided the Tenderer is a 100% wholly owned subsidiary within the group. In addition, ESPO will use a Credit Reference Agency to provide information on Tenderers. Where the Credit Reference Agency assigns the Tenderer a score indicating higher than moderate financial risk, ESPO will give further consideration to the financial information and financial stability of the Tenderer. If ESPO has any reasonable cause for concern in relation to this information that cannot be reasonably resolved then this could give rise to the tender being rejected. This contract will contain a contract monitoring clause which will require suppliers to ensure that there is no material detrimental change in their financial standing and/or their credit rating (as determined by use of a Credit Reference Agency). Bi-annual review meetings will be held. To tender: (a) Go to; (b) Register (if not already registered on ProContract); (c) Search for tender opportunity '238_25' (via "View Opportunities" from the 'EastMidsTenders' Portal); (d) Express an interest; (e) Download the tender documents (from the ProContract Activity summary screen, once an Expression of interest has been completed).
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
Name :
Designation :
Phone :
Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors