221056 - Proposed emergency works of Scoil Barra Naofa
The school has a new pupil who is visually impaired and uses a long cane. The following works are to be undertaken (but not limited to this list):1. Existing footpath to the main school entrance to be replaced as uneven joints and raised sections across the footpath.2. Existing tarmac areas to be remarked3. Existing set of external steps providing access to the students’ classroom to be replaced with steps/handrails in compliance with TGD M.4. Existing patio area (2 No.) which provides access to the students’ classroom to be removed and replaced with concrete.5. Existing set of external steps providing access to the students’ classroom to be provided with new handrail/tactile surfacing top and bottom.6. Existing door which provides access to the yard area to be replaced and provided with level entry. Existing patio area which provides access to the yard area to be removed and replaced with concrete. Aco drain to be provided at clearway.7. Existing sets of external steps providing access to be provided with new handrail/tactile surfacing top and bottom.8. Existing set of internal stairs to be made compliant with Technical Guidance Document M9 .Existing Emergency Door to be replaced as trip hazard.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45214220 - Secondary school construction work
45200000 - Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work
45214200 - Construction work for school buildings
45000000 - Construction work
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors