493 - Provision of a Home Safe Simple Discharge Service
The Home Safe Simple Discharge service is a preventative service that will offer support and provide a safe and positive discharge for vulnerable patients to go back to their home or other community setting as appropriate following discharge from the Royal Albert Edward Infirmary (RAEI), Wrightington Hospital, Leigh Infirmary and other community beds and reablement bed-based provision.r r The service will offer a volunteer-based support service with support from paid staff, in the immediate post discharge period that reduces the confusion and challenges related to leaving hospital when inadequate support would otherwise contribute to a hospital re-admission, admission to residential care or contribute to a delayed discharge from hospital.r r It is also a requirement that the provider will ensure transport is provided, with companionship and reassurance, and offer low level practical support and social connections where needed following discharge.r r The ambition is that the Service will operate between 10am to 7pm, seven days per week, including bank and public holidays.r r The combination of timely discharge, appropriate and efficient transport, and a short-term support offer to ensure the individual returns home safely, feels connected with their community and remains at home is vital to ensure positive patient outcomes and experience, and a reduction in hospital re-admissions and care avoidance.r r The deadline for submissions has been set for Thursday 14th December at 12 noon. Tenderers are required to return their submission via the Chest procurement portal (
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors