12-25 Psychology Service
Children & Families - Voluntary sector counselling service based in secondary schools, Tottenham and Crouch End.The service provides specialist therapeutic one to one interventions to Young People aged 12 – 24 years old including their families and carers. Children & Families - The Provider has professonally registrated clinicians that are clinically well-supervised. These include Children and young people who will typically present with one or more of the following:Family issues – where this is having an adverse effect and the child or young person is showing signs of developing a mental health problem or disorderMental health difficulties arising from sexual, emotional, physical abuse or other adverse childhood experiences and traumaMild to moderate emotional and behavioural disordersBehaviour problems (eg. sleep, school refusal) once physical causes have been considered and the behaviour falls outside what might be considered to be within the range of normal behaviourConduct disordersAnxiety, depression, stress and or other mood disorders, e.g. low self-esteem, panic, OCDAdjustment reactionsNeurodiversephobiasSelf-harm and suicidality – where this is mild to moderate, or supported by other agencies as needed.Eating difficultiesBereavementBullyingAnger management issues, violence and aggressionRelationship problemsSexualityGender identityDrug or alcohol misuseWe are intending to award a contract to an existing provider following direct award process C
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85121270 - Psychiatrist or psychologist services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors