8587 Re-issue Hydroelectric Power in Historic Landscapes - AWARD
This project is to investigate the performance of a cross-section of micro-hydro schemes currently operating within historic landscapes in the UK. Despite being a well-established and mature technology, high capital costs, may deter investment and prevent the use of a readily available energy resource. The historic built environment has the potential to overcome economic barriers associated with new hydroelectric schemes. Historic water mills, which would otherwise be stranded assets, have the potential to be re-purposed for hydroelectric power generation. As well as being favourably sited to maximise energy potential, readapting water mills has the potential to reduce the embodied carbon emissions and overall environmental impact compared to constructing a new hydropower scheme. Whilst there are numerous live examples of these projects across the UK, there is a need to integrate best practice so that the latent potential of micro hydro can be maximised where feasible.
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1 Possible Competitors