2196 - 15 - Single Family Record Information Hub
For full tender documents and instructions on completing a bid please look for the opportunity on This tender exercise is for the purchase of a Single Family Record Information Hub. As part of the business transformation review currently underway in the Children's Families and Schools Directorate; discussions with managers, practitioners and partners have identified the fundamental need for data consolidation and co-ordination to establish a holistic family record. The integration of data systems to a central hub will provide a data dashboard which will present a holistic view of a family to inform early help and preventative strategies. East Riding of Yorkshire Council's aim is to procure a suitable solution to support successful delivery of the expanded Troubled Families programme and secondly to support future developments within children's services. In support of the Troubled Families programme a solution is required to identify eligible families based on the programmes' criteria. To enable this the solution will need to import, match, monitor and report on family information from established source systems and datasets provided by a variety of internal and external partner agencies. In summary, the system solution will be required to: Capture information received from a variety of sources Identify individuals Match those individuals to the same individual in other data sources using a variety of methods to obtain the best quality data match Show confidence levels in matching and report any manual validations required Group the individuals into families Score families and individuals against the Troubled Families programme criteria Present holistic information about families and drill down to individual level data in a dashboard and reportable format Enable user interaction with the solution, including editing records, and inputting additional individuals Import existing Troubled Families case information and previous PBR claim history Identify (from the available data) when a change has occurred within a family Store information about the family in relation to the Troubled Families criteria and outcomes Identify families eligible for a payment by results claim Support referrals from both internal and external agencies Allow flexible reporting
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors