2 Solar water pumps_Moverons Farm, RSPB
The RSPB has secured funding from the Natural England Species Recovery Project to carry out works to improve the habitats found at Moverons Farm. Moverons Farm is a privately owned mixed arable and grassland farm, adjacent to the Colne Estuary, in Essex. Recently the farm has, funded by agri-environment schemes, reverted several fields from arable to grassland, this means there is an opportunity to create habitat for locally important ground nesting waders including lapwing and redshank. Lapwing and redshank depend on an interface of wet and terrestrial habitat, with higher water levels in the winter and spring drawing down through the spring months to expose wet mud that their chicks feed on. We propose to install 2 x solar water pumps to enable these ideal conditions to be created, even in drier years. These are funded by the Natural England species recovery project fund. This project will help achieve suitable wet conditions to benefit breeding wading birds such as lapwing and redshank, and other wetland wildlife, reduce dependence on Diesel pumps to move water around and increase climate resilience. This tender is for the supply of the Solar powered water pumps, there is a separate tender for the associated earthworks required to install the solar pumps.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
9332000 - Solar installation
42120000 - Pumps and compressors
Status :
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Tender Progress :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors