001460 Start-Ups in London Libraries Programme Delivery of Marketing Masterclass
The British Library's 'Start-ups in London Libraries' programme aims to increase the number of successful business start-ups and reduce the 'churn-rate' for new businesses through helping people develop entrepreneurial skills, attitudes and mind-sets. The workshop programme for 'Start-ups in London Libraries' has been built around a satellite model of delivery and targeted engagement. The SiLL project is working in partnership with 10 London borough library, making the British Library's resources and expertise accessible through established community hubs, thereby upskilling other London borough libraries to deliver their own business services and developing a lasting, sustainable and embedded support infrastructure for the benefit of the local economy. With a focus on helping entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds to commercialize their ideas and set-up successful enterprises. The workshop available for tender is the Marketing Masterclass workshop. The successful bidder will help each SME on the programme to develop a successful and sustainable marketing plan, through helping them identify and focus on the most effective routes to market. These sessions will focus on the right side of the Business Model Canvas, which includes customer relationships, customer segments and channels. Start-ups in London Libraries is fully funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the British Library, ten participating London boroughs and generously supported by J.P. Morgan and Arts Council England. If you are interested in this opportunity please browse to and click on the 'View Current Opportunities and Notices' link for further details.
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CPV Codes
80500000 - Training services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors