14-021 Supply, Install and Maintainance of Traffic Signals & Associated Equipment
Doncaster and Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Councils are seeking to appoint a suitable qualified and experienced contractor for the maintenance and installation of traffic signals and associated traffic control equipment throughout the metropolitan boroughs. The metropolitan borough of Doncaster is located in the north of England in the county of South Yorkshire, it occupies approximately 570 km2. The borough is well serviced by the surrounding motorway and trunk road network including the M18 and A1(M). There are 160 permanent traffic signal installations, 6 red light enforcement cameras, 3 speed enforcement cameras, 106 vehicle actuated signs, 11 variable message signs a number of ANPR sites and 1 set of automatic hydraulic rising bollards. Rotherham is a thriving borough in South Yorkshire and home to around 258,000 residents (2011). With an area of 286.5km around 70% of which is rural it has direct access to the M1 and M18 motorway network. There are 105 permanent traffic signal installations, 8 red light camera sites, 10 speed enforcement sites, 20 vehicle actuated signs, 12 variable message signs, 33 ANPR cameras, 40 Bluetooth JTMS units and 1 one vehicle overheight detection warning system. Traffic signal installations are controlled by a variety of approved controllers and are in the main either connected to an Urban Traffic Control UTC in station or monitored remotely via PEEK or SIEMENS Remote Monitoring Equipment (RMS). The maintenance of the UTC and RMS in stations will not be included in the maintenance contract, but all street equipment associated with the UTC and RMS will. With the introduction of IP communication systems a high number of site utilise this protocol, using items such as ADSl switches, Wi Fi links and media converters etc. The authorities makes full use of the latest technology available and will continue to install new products as they become available. Both red light enforcement and speed enforcement camera installations are Home Office approved. The red light camera installations were supplied by SERCO and speed enforcement by SERCO and TRUVELO. Vehicle actuated signs are a variety of pictogram and matrix signs and are all speed actuated. The suppliers of the equipment include DAMBACH, 3M, THERMOTOR and WESTCOTECH. Variable message signs are UTMC compliant. The suppliers of the equipment include Techspan and VMSL. ANPR camera's feed directly into a PIPS JTMS system. There is a variety of single and multi-lane cameras. The supplier of the is PIPS Technology. Bluetooth units are fed into a Drakewell JTMS and the suppliers of the equipment are TDC. The automatic hydraulic rising bollard access system operates on both access card, remote control and remote dial up it was supplied by AGD. The purpose of the contract is to provide a high quality maintenance service, 365 day per year. Maintenance of equipment will include electrical testing, periodic inspections, fault rectification, equipment cleaning and all...(cont)
Published Date :
Deadline :
Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
34992100 - Illuminated traffic signs
34996100 - Traffic lights
63712710 - Traffic monitoring services
34972000 - Traffic-flow measuring system
34970000 - Traffic-monitoring equipment
72212100 - Industry specific software development services
50230000 - Repair, maintenance and associated services related to roads and other equipment
34990000 - Control, safety,signalling and light equipment
50000000 - Repair and maintenance services
50232200 - Traffic-signal maintenance services
63712700 - Traffic control services
34000000 - Transport equipment and auxiliary products to transportation
50232000 - Maintenance services of public-lighting installations and traffic lights
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors