869271180 T1348 Assessing the benefits of enhanced freight speed differentials on the GB network
RSSB is seeking to procure research to assessing the benefits of enhanced freight speed differentials on the GB network. This project will determine and agree the criteria that a train must satisfy in order to safely travel at enhanced freight speeds, up to the maximum speed of the wagons. It will review if assumed braking capabilities in GKRT0075 and GMRT2045 are too conservative and can allow eligible freight trains to travel at an EF speed. This will be done by proposing a set of EF speed differentials for freight trains, using the Lambda value as explored in the T1266 ‘Exploring the cost of using default ETCS braking values for freight’ project. It will also assess the monetary benefits of using EF speeds by developing and applying a benefits analysis approach. If a set of EF speed differential can be proposed and justified technically and benefits wise, changes to relevant documentation and signalling will be proposed to enable industry to start using EF speeds. The research has been split up into the following five Phases. It is expected that a Steering Group meeting will be held at the completion of each phase to review the outputs. •Phase 1 – Line speed and signal distance suitability analysis for EF speed differentials •Phase 2 – Infrastructure compatibility with EF speed differentials •Phase 3 - Identifying a range of possible enhanced freight speeds •Phase 4 – Benefits assessment of EF speed differentials •Phase 5 – Operational considerations and next steps
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CPV Codes
73110000 - Research services
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors