30811 TBMI Model Transfer
The bovine Tuberculosis Modelling Initiative (TBMI) Model (the Model) is a state-of-the-art representation of Tuberculosis (TB) in cattle and badgers. It was developed using the records of the TB epidemic in Great Britain (GB), and cattle movement records from the Cattle Tracing System. This was a collaborative project between the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) and the Contractor. The aim of the original project was to develop a model that could be handed over to APHA and used as a tool to inform and evaluate GB wide TB policy. High levels of quality assurance of the code are considered important to the Model, and to have the Model code written in such a way that allows it to be maintained and further developed over a 10-20 year lifespan. However, in order to use the Model to answer specific and critical policy questions that arose during its development, some of the Model code was unable to be properly tested at the time nor written in a fashion that would allow ready maintenance and development of the code going forwards. The Contractor shall complete the checking and tidying up of the Model so that it can be run as required in response to the Godfray review, undertake work to improve the Model fit and facilitate the final handover of the Model to APHA.
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CPV Codes
71356000 - Technical services
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1 Possible Competitors