22/001 - The Provision of Maintenance Services for the Siemens SGT-200 Gas Turbines to GNI(UK)
The scope of this requirement is for the provision of preventative and corrective maintenance services and materials, including overhaul services, for three (3) Siemens SGT-200 Gas Turbines or equivalent and ancillary equipment, located at GNI(UK) Compressor Station at Brighouse Bay (Kirkcudbright), in southwest Scotland. The scope of the equipment which include but not limited to for this requirement is as follows;•The gas turbine engine (including the gas generator/producer and power turbine).•The turbine control system (including the Fire and Gas system(s)).•The turbine ancillaries (including motors, instrumentation, lube oil system, and fuel gas systems).•The scope of the maintenance services which include but not limited to for this requirement is as follows;•Preventative/Scheduled Maintenance Services (including management service) - inspections, inspection kits, provision of service personnel and repairs.•Minor (24,000 hours) overhaul.•Corrective Maintenance Services - provision of service personnel and repairs.•Spares/parts.In addition to the services outlined above, GNI(UK), may include a provision in the requirement for a major (48,000 hours) overhaul (turbine service exchange), for at least one (1) turbine.
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1 Possible Competitors