275_17 Vehicle Glass Replacement & Repair
ESPO is seeking to create a framework via which public sector organisations across the whole of the UK can call off the replacement and repair of vehicle glass for the full spectrum of vehicles (including cars, LCVs, HGVs, PSVs and plant) nationally (within England, Wales, Scotland Northern Ireland). The Framework to be established is intended to meet the requirements of local government and public sector bodies. The expectation is that glass replacement and repairs will normally be undertaken by mobile fitters at the Customer's premises. The framework agreement/contract has the option to extend for up to a further 24 months. The total estimated value stated includes the option period. As a Central Purchasing Body as defined by the EU Procurement Directive 2014/24/EU, the Framework Agreement is open for use by Public Bodies (defined that also fall into one of the following classifications of user throughout all administrative regions of the UK: Local Authorities; Educational Establishments (including Academies); Central Government Departments and Agencies; Police, Fire & Rescue and Coastguard Emergency Services; NHS and HSC Bodies, including Ambulance Services; Registered Charities; Registered Social Landlords; or any public body established by or under the Scotland Act 1998 or any Act of the Scottish Parliament. Details of the classification of end user establishments and geographical areas is available on:
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors