10471: Women's National Facility
The Women’s National Facility (WNF) will provide a safe and secure environment for women in custody who have the most complex needs.The WNF will offer a range services that aim to reduce reoffending through a gender specific and trauma informed way. A key aspect will be in providing a supportive environment with facilities and activities designed to promote independence and life skills to reduce the impact and associated risk of institutionalisation. The services will include: a health centre; education facilities for teaching and developing life skills; outdoor areas and a gymnasium to promote healthy living and fitness; and a quiet area for contemplation where women can also attend faith services.An additional 25 place Assessment Centre within the WNF will provide accommodation for all women entering custody to allow for a period of initial assessment, following which a woman would be located in the most appropriate location in accordance with individual risk and need.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45216113 - Prison building construction work
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors