A Concept Scheme Masterplan for Rationalisation of Property Assets
Hartlepool Borough Council, working with its partners, wishes to commission a masterplan and space utilisation exercise and is looking for organisations with a proven track record in delivering concept scheme masterplans; conducting user demand assessment proposals and delivering space planning exercises for large organisations undergoing rationalisation and restructuring. Bidders will be required to assemble the additional professional skills needed to deliver the outputs required by the brief. The project will require the completion of several studies to determine: •Which public services should be co-located, their service/property requirements and the efficiencies/operational advantages of specific proposals. •How modern methods of working can most effectively be supported by public sector agencies. The aim being to minimise space requirements and operating costs whilst providing modern accommodation. •The viability and development potential of the various uses. The aim being to improve public access, reduced operating costs, tackle health inequalities and to improve town centre footfall. •Opportunities to release land/buildings for alternate uses together with an assessment of demand/cost/value/deliverability of proposed options.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors