A Network of Ionising Radiation Monitors and Control Software
The ISIS facility is a world-leading centre for research in the physical and life sciences in the UK Research and Innovation — STFC based at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL, the ‘Agency’) near Oxford. ISIS is an intense pulsed neutron source providing beams of neutrons and muons to enable scientists to study the structure and properties of matter for the benefit of science and engineering in the UK and abroad. Our suite of neutron and muon instruments gives unique insights into the properties of materials on the atomic scale.In order to monitor the radiation generated in the different areas of ISIS, the ISIS Health Physics (HP) staff (based at RAL) is looking for an online ionising radiation monitor system — RMS for X-ray, gammas and neutrons. This system will allow them to get the radiation dose rate and accumulated dose values in a gamma ray and neutron mixed radiation field at any ISIS location in an online basis and populating a time related database.
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CPV Codes
38341600 - Radiation monitors
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1 Possible Competitors