A Pre-Screening Report for the North East, North West, South East and South West Marine Plans Habitat Regulations Assessments
This project is to undertake the pre-screening phase of the Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA) for the North East Inshore and Offshore, North West Inshore and Offshore, South East Inshore and South West Inshore and Offshore Marine Plans (herein North East, North West, South East and South West marine plans). The project will determine whether the above marine plans should be subject to a HRA. It will pre-screen European and Ramsar sites that need to be assessed for potential likely significant effects. The project will also lay out the methodology and scope for the production of a full HRA and Appropriate Assessment drawing on approaches and materials produced for the South Inshore and Offshore Marine Plan pre-screening report. Pre-screening information on European and Ramsar sites assessed will facilitate future digital online delivery of content via a searchable and filterable database. The outputs will sit alongside the sustainability appraisal (SA) process for the respective marine plans. The HRA pre-screening report should be developed in consultation with the MMO and relevant advisors.
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1 Possible Competitors