A Progress report and Business Plan for the Cambrian Mountains Initiative
3.SCOPE OF WORK3.1to undertake a review of the progress of the CMI project to date against the recommendations in the original LUC scoping study;3.2to review and update data within the original study where applicable, with a view to establishing a number of socio-economic and other baseline indicators which can inform / influence the development of future CMI projects (a list of potential baseline indicators can be found in Appendix 1);3.3to undertake / commission new research where data is currently wanting in regard to the development of baseline indicators;3.4to map existing Ecosystems Goods & Services (EGS) products within the region, such as carbon storage, water management and access to the countryside for recreation, and make a calculation of the value of EGS within the Cambrians, both in economic terms and the environmental benefits that might arise from developments in this area; 3.5to undertake research into the experience of ‘alternative’ designations, such as the French ‘Parcs Naturel Regionaux’, Geoparks or other voluntarily derived designations, in order to develop a practicable working proposal for a Cambrian Mountains ‘designation’;3.6To evaluate the net value to the local economy arising from the conservation / reuse of historic buildings within the Cambrians, and forecast the potential value arising from conservation activity on the heritage structure stock identified within the appraisal of base line indicators.3.7to investigate the potential impacts / opportunities for the Cambrians arising from the development of the Natural Environment Framework, Destination Management, the next RDP and other areas of WG policy development;3.8to make recommendations on how the project should be managed to ensure ownership, accountability and leverage, and improved cooperative working across the broad partnership of the CMI;3.9from the above, build a business case and forward plan for the further development of a Cambrian Mountains Sustainable Rural Development project.
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1 Possible Competitors