
A Qualitative Study Exploring Knowledge, Attitudes, Beliefs and Social Norms of E-Cigarettes and Vap


Public Health Wales is committed to working across sectors to improve the future health and wellbeing of our children and to influence policy to protect and improve health and reduce inequalities .Electronic (or e-) cigarettes are seen by some as having potential to reduce harms as an alternative to smoking tobacco cigarettes and as an effective smoking cessation tool . However, there are concerns that the increased popularity of e-cigarettes could undermine the success of past tobacco control strategies by renormalising smoking behaviours. In particular, some have aired concerns that the increasing availability and use of e-cigarettes may promote experimentation amongst younger populations who otherwise may not have tried smoking before. Experimental use could have the potential to act as a gateway into smoking tobacco cigarettes amongst never smokers . The concern is twofold, firstly that perceived promotion and marketing of e-cigarettes to young people through the availability of flavours and colours, may promote experimentation , ; and secondly that the increasing availability and use of e-cigarettes in the population may result in the renormalization of smoking , and experimentation amongst younger children.Experimentation in younger children is evident. In a survey amongst children aged 10-11 years approximately 6% had used an e-cigarette, and those whose parents smoked tobacco or e-cigarettes were three times more likely to have tried e-cigarettes . Increasing use amongst the younger populations has also been reported in other countries including the USA, and France . A nationally representative study amongst school children in Wales showed little difference in e-cigarette use amongst young people irrespective of socioeconomic status, gender or ethnicity, and concluded there was the potential for e-cigarettes to normalise quickly across the youth population . In addition, a small qualitative study from New Zealand, found that children, at first glance do not discern the difference between the use of e-cigarettes and tobacco cigarettesSome studies exploring perceptions of e cigarettes amongst young people (teenagers) are underway, but there remains little understanding of how e-cigarettes are perceived by younger children (pre-teens) and how that might influence later health behaviours .Better understanding about the knowledge, attitudes and beliefs amongst younger children, would help ensure prevention strategies are informed by factors influencing behaviour, and inform policy development on e-cigarette use in certain settings such as schools or public playgrounds.AimsThe aim of this study is explore the knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs and perceived social norms and risks of e-cigarettes amongst young children (pre-teens) in Wales.It is envisaged that the findings will help inform the development of policies and strategies on smoking prevention, in particular the use of e-cigarettes in locations or settings where children are present.


Published Date :

12th Jan 2017 8 years ago

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1 Supplier

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Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

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North Region

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Tina Smith

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1 Possible Competitors