A rapid review of the impacts of aquatic pressures on biodiversity
Requirement to understand the available qualitative and quantitative evidence and therefore gaps for how anthropogenic aquatic pressures impact abundances of species that occur in rivers, lakes, ponds, estuarine and coastal waters and how pressures might affect our ability to deliver the targets. The requirement of the provider is to provide a rapid literature review. The purpose of the review is to bring together existing knowledge on how physical modifications, pollution, sediment, altered hydrological regimes, management (eg. aquatic plant management, fisheries management) invasive non-native species and climate change impact species abundances and extinction risk. The project should consider species associated with lakes and ponds, rivers, coastal and estuarine habitats. Through providing a review of existing qualitative and quantitative data, this work will contribute to developing our general understanding of the current evidence base around how pressures on aquatic habitats will affect our ability to deliver the environment act targets for species. The review should also identify gaps.
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1 Possible Competitors