A Scoping Project on the "Framework" of Support Required by Schools to Develop their Outdoor Learning Practices
The Children and Nature Programme (2019-2022) was established in response to the Governments 25 Year Environment plan, in recognition of the role that nature can play for children and young people's health, however the Programme, along with other research, highlighted the variability in access to high quality support, and identified several challenges as being significant limiting factors in the ambition to make time in nature part of every child's school day. The purpose of this work is to scope options and suggest an approach for the creation of a framework of support which enables more schools to embed access to nature in their day-to-day teaching practice, based on their own priorities, providing signposting and quality control, whilst also considering any specific targeting needs and issues around access to opportunities. The work should also consider the role the environment sector, and Natural England specifically, could take in supporting this framework. The project will consider existing resources and tools which support teachers to deliver time in nature and use this review to provide an overview of what 'good' provision (resources, training, or service providers) should offer and the desirable attributes they should demonstrate. The outcome of this project should be a clear, costed set of recommendations which can be pursued by NE, which provide more teachers and schools with a framework through which to identify, judge and secure the support necessary for them to increase the amount of time spent outside in their school - empowering them to make informed decisions about how they identify the support they need, and source it effectively and efficiently.
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