A series of DECC 'What Works' Evidence Summaries - LOT 5: What works to engage consumers with bills and affordability?
DECC was looking for contractors to undertake a series of 6 reviews, summarising what we know about ‘what works’ across 6 topic areas. The aim was to synthesise published and unpublished findings from across DECC’s monitoring, research and evaluation work, linking this with externally published research and evaluation work to provide the most up-to-date and user-friendly summary of our evidence base. These syntheses will then be used to inform DECC’s policy development, and in evidence briefing for the next parliament. LOT 5: What works to engage consumers with bills and affordability? a. How do changes in the price of fuel alter what works to engage with consumers on bills and affordability? b. Who do consumers trust to engage them on bills and affordability? c. At what points is it possible to engage with consumers with bills and affordability in ways that lead to behavioural change? We are particularly interested in what works for different segments of the population, and different forms of market segmentation and how to engage with more vulnerable consumers.
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CPV Codes
73110000 - Research services
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1 Possible Competitors