A series of workshops with key stakeholders on local flood risk management planning reforms
The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) is commissioning a project that will provide evidence, advice and views on local flood risk management planning reform to inform future government policy. This will be achieved by undertaking a series of workshops. Defra is the policy lead for flood and coastal erosion risk management (FCERM) in England. The Government's FCERM Policy Statement includes a commitment to reform local flood risk management planning by 2026 so that every area of England will have a more strategic and comprehensive plan that drives long-term local action and investment. There are several pieces of legislation and national and local policy documents that govern the roles and responsibilities for flood risk management. Under The Flood and Water Management Act 2010 a lead local flood authority for an area in England must develop, maintain, apply and monitor a strategy for local flood risk management in its area (a "local flood risk management strategy"). Alongside this, The Flood Risk Regulations 2009 (FRRs) set out statutory processes for flood risk planning over a 6-year cycle. The FRRs require the Environment Agency and lead local flood authorities (LLFAs) to: oassess risk from flooding for human health, the economy and environment including cultural heritage (Preliminary Flood Assessments) odecide where risk is considered to be significant, and identify these areas as Flood Risk Areas (FRAs) oprepare maps that show the flood hazard and flood risk in FRAs oprepare Flood Risk Management Plans that set objectives and measures to reduce the risk in FRAs Each element must be reviewed and updated at intervals of no more than 6 years. Finally, there are several non-statutory plans covering a range of flood risk responsibilities and areas, such as Catchment Flood Management Plans and Surface Water Management Plans.
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