
A technical assessment related to communication mechanisms including a website and mobile phone app


1.0 IntroductionKeep Wales Tidy (KWT) in partnership with the Woodland Trust (WT) have secured funds from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) and the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation to develop and run the Long Forest Project: a community engagement project aimed at improving the condition of hedgerows and other linear woodland features in Wales. KWT and WT have now embarked on an 11 month Development Phase, which started in February and will run until December 2015, at which point a second round application for a 3 year Delivery programme will be submitted. If successful ,the Delivery phase would commence around March 2016 and run until September 2019. The work will be delivered by a central team who will provide resources that can be accessed by everyone, and then more intensive work in up to five selected priority or ‘Target Areas’. During the Development phase the intention will be to scope and research the concept in sufficient detail and to prepare the second round application to the HLF. The Development Phase will require 4 individual, but related contracts. These are:1.A scoping study on training needs and availability.2.A technical assessment related to communication mechanisms including a website and mobile phone app.3.Advice on how historical and cultural data should be collected and shared.4.And finally, an overarching contract which brings the above studies and other information into an Activity Plan, which will form a major component of the round two application to the HLF.2.0 A technical assessment related to communication mechanisms including a website and mobile phone appThe success of the Long Forest project in increasing knowledge and influencing behaviour will depend heavily on having effective communication channels which meet the needs of stakeholders, project staff and end users.The aim of this contract is to identify the best way to stimulate interest amongst target audiences and identify the scope of:-A website and related social media channels to provide a focal point for the project-A mobile phone app to support data capture, aid plant identification and to stimulate interest from a wide range of groups and individuals.In undertaking this technical assessment the contractor will:a) Investigate the communication and technical challenges that will need to be tackledb) Consider the extensive range of audiences and range of topics in relation to design, layout and functionality of both the website and the mobile phone app and present options available. We envisage the following to be the key user groups-Landowners-School children-University students and staff-Environmental charities-Community groups-Local Record Centres-Biodiversity Action Partnership Groups-Local Authority ecologists and planners-History clubs-Archaeological Trusts-Welsh Government staff-Natural Resources Wales staff-Businesses-Training providersThe contractor will need to take this into consideration when working on the contract so that as wide an audience can benefit from the project as possible.3.0 Website and social mediaA bilingual site will be hosted on KWT’s main site (, but will form a separate section with its own domain name. The Long Forest section must also link to other websites and in particular to the Woodland Trust’s site. We will be looking for the most financially sustainable and user friendly option.The questions we need advice on are:1.What platforms are available and what are their advantages and disadvantages?2.What security and access rights will need to be considered?3.How large will the site need to be?4.Bearing in mind the wide range of audiences and the range of interest, what will be the best format and design for the site be?5.What functionality will be required?6.How will the site store and present surveys and data in a way that meets the needs of experts, but is still accessible to a wider audience?7.How should the site link to others?8.How should it link to social media channels?9.How will we ensure that the information shared on social media channels meets our aspirations in terms of the use of the Welsh language?10.How will the website support and link to a mobile phone app?11.How much staff, and potentially volunteer time, will be required to provide the content and to keep information up to date?12.To what degree can the site publish user-generated content and how much modulation will be required?13.How will the site be maintained? Is there any opportunity for the site to generate an income?14.How could user information be stored and used to further the aims of the project? Would there be any legal considerations associated with storing user information to contact people in the future?15.There are established sites which provide guidance - and in some cases an interactive service for plant identification - is there merit in linking to these sites or would this cause technical problems and weaken the Long Forest’s profile?16.One of the main linkages will be with the People’s Collection, so advice is sought on how the Long Forest should interrelate to this?4.0 Mobile phone appIt will be essential to provide a platform for recording and sharing data whilst on site and therefore we wish to develop a suitable app that will support the work and inspire interest. The app will need to be on ios and Android and in bilingual versions. The app should also not be dependent on signal coverage.The anticipated function of the app therefore will range from:-Supporting ecological surveys based on excepted methodology such as the Hedgerow evaluation and grading system (HEGS )-Accessing some, but not all of the information on the website-A plant identification tool-Presenting historical records e.g. through augmented reality-Including games and challenges which will excite and inspire children, family groups, geo-aching or nature-based treasure hunts, etc.-An inventory of other useful relevant apps and the potential for linking this appThe questions we require advice on include:1.How should the app be set out?2.What functionality will be required?3.What size should the app be?4.What’s the best way to ensure that data submitted is stored and shared – and how can this be done in a way that does not incur translation costs?5.If the app is being used in an area where there is no signal coverage, how will data be stored and then transmitted at a later date?6.Should some aspects of the app be only available at a fee, or would a donate function be a better way to generate income for the project post the funding period.7.What are the long term practical and financial implications for maintenance?5.1 Suggested time table:This contract will be let on the week commencing the 30 April.Alll tenders need to be received by the 27of April. The contract will run until 3 July 2015Contract let 30 AprilInitial meeting or phone call 4 MayClient meeting 18 MayClient meeting1 JuneDraft report 15 JuneFinal report3 July5.2 Guide PriceA detailed quote is requested, broken down by each element and specifying daily rates. Cost should show VAT and translation.A Guide price of GBP4000 inclusive of VAT has been set for the work.


Published Date :

12th May 2015 9 years ago

Deadline :


Tender Awarded :

1 Supplier

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Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

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Region :

North Region

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Buyer Information

Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

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Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

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Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors