
AAIB A320 MCDU, reports and BITE Training


AAIB A320 MCDU, reports and BITE Training Purpose: The purpose of this training plan is to detail the initial learning and development necessary for the AAIB engineering and data recovery inspectors to understand the data recording systems and data recovery opportunities available on a modern, large commercial aircraft with complex avionic systems in order to progress an investigation. Aim: The aim of the training is to provide opportunities to review and discuss modern, sophisticated data recording systems architecture, to recognise potential data extraction opportunities of modern avionics systems and to determine potential lines of inquiry that may be derived from recovered data. Introduction: The AAIB recognised a need several years ago, which has been reflected in the annual objectives, to provide training for engineers on fault diagnosis of modern large commercial aircraft avionic systems. This need identifies a knowledge gap which is increasing over time as aircraft avionics systems become ever more sophisticated and integrated. This training requirement is unique to the Branch and there is no commercially available course currently available to fulfil this requirement. A bespoke course will have to be designed and delivered in conjunction with an appropriate aerospace training organisation to bridge this knowledge gap. Airbus A320 Series: The Airbus A320 series has been chosen for this training because it is by far the most numerous, modern commercial large aircraft in the Airbus inventory. It also uses sophisticated avionics systems which are representative of the manufacturer's wider, modern commercial large aircraft fleets. Course title: Understanding the A320 Multi-Function Control Display Unit (MCDU), subsequent production of reports and Built in Test Equipment (BITE) Course duration: Two days per course. Number of courses and students: Two courses are required, each on a different date, to facilitate up to 10 students; however, this can be subject to change due to operational requirements. Course attendees will be invited from the Engineering and Data Recording inspectorate including PIs. Timing: If possible, the training is to be contracted before the end of FY 2021/2022 with delivery in April or June 2022. Course structure: The maximum number of training hours per day should not be more than 6 hours. A training hour means 60 minutes of tuition excluding any breaks, examination, revision, preparation, and aircraft visit. The course teaching time for each day may be subject to change dependent on student numbers. Instructors will be required to annotate the course paperwork where any deviations away from the Training Specification has occurred. Objectives: On satisfactory completion of the course, the students will be at a suitable standard to be able to access data from the A320 aircraft MCDU and discuss appropriate avionic system fault finding strategies with an operator's aircraft maintenance engineers and managers. Content over


Published Date :

17th Mar 2022 in a 2 years

Deadline :

17th Mar 2022 in a 2 years

Tender Awarded :

1 Supplier

Awarded date :

17th Mar 2022

Contract Start :

27th Apr 2022

Contract End :

30th Jun 2022

Tender Regions

CPV Codes

35611500 - Training aircrafts.

Tenderbase Categories

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Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

TenderBase ID :


Low Value :


High Value :


Region :

North Region

Attachments :

Buyer Information

Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

Website :


Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

Email :

Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors