Aberystwyth University Estates - Repairs to concrete cladding panels
The University’s long-term aim is to repair the existing concrete cladding panels and overclad them, combined with replacing the windows to all elevations, as carried out previously on an adjacent building.Currently, there are large areas of the building that have scaffold crash decks to protect pedestrians. In this first instance, the intention is to repair all of those areas of concrete cladding to allow the crash decks to be removed.At a later date, the remaining concrete cladding panels will be repaired as part of the project to replace the windows and install over-cladding.It is imperative that these repairs allow that future project to be completed without any hindrance or adjustments needing to be made to accommodate the future overcladding.A trial area of cladding was identified and has been successfully repaired.Contractors are requested to complete the schedule of rates as the most cost effective way of carrying out these works and outline what methods of work they will employ, what types of product will be applied to the reinforcing steel, what products will be used to form and seal the concrete repairs.NOTE: The authority is using eTenderwales to carry out this procurement process. To obtain further information record your interest on Sell2Wales at
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CPV Codes
45000000 - Construction work
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors