Aberystwyth university - penbryn switchgear & generator
The pro(ect co5prises the provision and installation of a standbygenerator and the replacement of the main switchgearThe works are to be carried out as a “Turnkey contract” with theelectrical Contractor taking the role of principal Contractor andemploying all other necessary trades required to fulfil the contractrequirements.The works will require the demolition of the end garage from aerrace of four garages to provide space for the generator, and themaking good of the remaining structure and roof flashings.The supply cable from the existing transformer is to be replacedand an automatic transfer panel inserted between the transformerand the existing main switch. These works will require theassistance of the sites senior authorised person to carry out HVisolation of the transformer. The existing switchgear is to bereplaced with a new switchgear arrangement being installed on theopposite wall and all sub-main feeds being transferred before theeventual removal of the existing gear.The work to be executed under the Contract shall comprise thedesign, supply, delivery, and installation, testing and commissioningand leaving in good working order the complete electrical systemsincluding, but not restricted to, the following sections of work associated with the scheme:• Partial demolition of a garage• Break out and re-instate a floor screed• Supply and delivery of a generator• Installation on an automatic change over panel• HV switching and work within an HV switch room• Provision of a new MCCB panel board with sub metering• New, diverted and extended sub-Main cabling• Temporary connections• Stripping out and disposal of existing switchgear• Provision of a palisade fence• All necessary and appropriate Testing, Commissioning andDemonstrations• All associated builders works i.e. holes through walls
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
51000000 - Installation services (except software)
50000000 - Repair and maintenance services
31000000 - Electrical machinery, apparatus, equipment and consumables; Lighting
42000000 - Industrial machinery
70000000 - Real estate services
45000000 - Construction work
71000000 - Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors