Absence Data Discovery - MIS Supplier Engagement
The purpose of this notice is to alert organisations that deliver Management Information Systems to schools that the Department for Education (DfE) want to engage in discussions to inform a discovery into returning absence data using APIs. This is an opportunity for suppliers to feedback to the DfE in an open forum and therefore supplier participation is key. Due to the coronavirus outbreak the DfE and wider government has a need for timely (potentially twice daily) pupil and teacher absence data as schools start to return in September. We want to minimise the burden on schools in providing this data. The data will help us build a detailed picture of education provision so that we can focus support more effectively, monitor the impact and ensure safety. It is envisaged that any solution developed may be expanded to become the preferred method of exchanging data from schools to the DfE. We intend to use online forums and video conferencing to engage with interested organisations. If you would like to take part please send the following details to by close of business on Tuesday 9 June 2020. Organisation Name Management Information System Name Contact Name Contact email Contact telephone number Places will be restricted to suppliers that provide Management Information Systems to schools with a maximum of 2 attendees per supplier. The first meeting will take place over Skype at 11am on Wednesday 10 June 2020, please add this date to your calendars.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
Name :
Designation :
Phone :
Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors