Accelerate project Final Evaluation
Request for tender for the evaluation and impact assessment of the Accelerate project. Evaluation to commence no later than 1st November 2022. Desired evaluation completion date 31st January 2023 In 2016 CWCDA was awarded the Accelerate project as part of the Building Better opportunities programme. Accelerate delivers intensive holistic employment support for people who are unemployed or economically inactive to gain or move towards employment or education. Further information on the project and its delivery can be found on the Accelerate website We would expect the provider to be able to demonstrate a significant track record in evaluation. Experience of the Building Better Opportunities programme is not essential but would be advantageous. The budget for the evaluation is £40,000 (inc. VAT). The Evaluation Purpose/Requirements The evaluation will focus on and ascertain the impact of the Accelerate project by assessing: •What difference did the project make to whom and why? •What has been the impact of the project? •Has the project supported participants as it was proposed? •Has the project led to the development of a delivery model that is effective and sustainable? •To provide evidence and analysis to explain the factors which contributed to and/or inhibited the performance and achievements of the Accelerate project. •The implementation of the sustainability and equality and diversity action plan. •The monitoring and evaluation of the targets, results and outcomes. •Analysis of the Accelerate partnership. •Has the project achieved its aim? •Lessons learnt- What worked well and what could be improved? Tender Scoring Criteria Scoring of tenders will be in accordance with the following criteria: •Services methodology and delivery 60% •Price 20% •Experience 20% The maximum scores will be allocated as follows: •Service methodology and delivery - the extent to which the proposal meets the evaluation requirement. •Price - the proposal offers value for money. •Experience - the provider must demonstrate a successful track record of working on similar evaluations. You will be required to provide two references. The deadline for submission of tenders is 12 noon on Friday 30th September 2022 Your tender should be submitted electronically to: Tenders received after the deadline will not be accepted. Interviews, should they be required, will be held on Tuesday 18th October Enquiries Please direct any enquiries about the tender specification to: Mandy Bygrave 07989 982727 Further information and the tender submission form can be found at Tender submission is also attached to this notification. Building Better Opportunities Project is funded by the European Social Fund and The National Lottery Community Fund.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors