Accountancy Services for Independent Business Reviews and Consultancy
The purpose of this procurement is for a panel or contractors to provide external expertise, when required, to provide two main types of service: (1) Commissioning Independent Business Reviews: the market oversight operating model and the legislative framework gives CQC the ability to commission an Independent Business Review (IBR) and to be able to charge the provider for this work. An IBR is a common tool used by banks in assessing risk and the viability of the business to be turned around, and allows for a thorough assessment of the business and its capital structure. The definition of an IBR is a financial review based on facts and figures that provides an unbiased view on a company’s forecasts. A deep and thorough analysis will develop or refine a structured plan with strategic options for the different stakeholders. An IBR can also be tailored towards rescuing a troubled company which is quite different from dealing with a healthy business and requires specialised knowledge. (2) Secondly, there will be areas where the in house team will need some external expertise to supplement their own skills to ensure that they arrive at appropriate and proportionate judgements on financial risk and restructuring options as well as consequences.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
66000000 - Financial and insurance services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors