Accounts Receivable Suppport Services
The Council is seeking the best value supplier to provide accounts receivable support services as specified in Schedule 2. The Service is expected to commence on 4th January 2020 and is required to deliver benefits over the contract period during which time the Council will continue to review the Service and evaluate options for delivery of accounts receivable across the wider service areas and partners. As part of an ongoing transformation programme the Council continues to seek ways to develop and improve services and deliver both cash and non-cash savings. Over the last four years much has been done to streamline and improve the accounts receivable services for both the Council and for the shared services areas. The result has been to improve operations and end to end procedures and ensure that the collection of Adult Social Care and other Council sundry debt is robust. The Service does not include what is commonly referred to as bailiff services. Our aim is to provide the following benefits: -Maximise income due to the Council by ensuring debts are paid -Improve our service user experience by providing more choice and control to them -Reflect the latest Care Act legislation -Contribute to the Council's Medium -Term Financial strategy -Increase productivity, deliver cash and efficiency savings -Minimise write offs -Reduce debts going to query and legal -Provide sustainability to tackle an inevitable increase in service user debt through changes in demographics and legislation
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
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Designation :
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Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors