Accredited Checking Pharmacy Technician Scheme - Health Education England, London and South East - NHS/SoEPS/17.324
The Pharmacy Technician workforce has been recognised through various national policies and white papers as being essential. This workforce supports the required skill mix and service transformation in community and hospital pharmacy to ensure the Five Year Forward View and Community Pharmacy Forward View become a reality. Pharmacy Technician education is fundamental to underpin the transformation and up-skilling of a large pharmacy technician workforce. Thus enabling appropriate skill mix to support the infrastructure changes required to enhance the role of clinical pharmacists and services across sectors. HEE London and South East (HEE LaSE) Pharmacy are therefore looking to procure the delivery of the Accredited Checking Pharmacy Technician scheme (including assessment) for a minimum of 100 candidates and a maximum of 150 candidates per year for the next three years. Course providers will be required to deliver the theoretical content and support the practical elements of the course in line with the Nationally Recognised Competency Framework for Pharmacy Technicians: Final Accuracy Checking of Dispensed Items Framework and the Skills for Health National Occupational Standard PHARM28.2016 Undertake the final accuracy check of dispensed medicines and products. Course provision is for Pharmacy Technicians (PTs) working in acute hospitals across HEE LaSE, with the following key aims: •One delivery model across LaSE. •Support the HEE mandate with regards to skill development. •Efficient use of resource and funds. •Accessibility and capacity to train and assess numbers required. •Explore use of technology. The course provider will need to have a flexible model to ensure it can cope with increased demand. The contract will be on a fixed price per candidate with minimum contracted numbers to aid business planning.
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Tender Regions
South East
CPV Codes
80000000 - Education and training services.
Tenderbase Categories
Education and Training Services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors