Adaptation actions in cities - what works?
The ASC has a statutory duty to report to Parliament with an independent assessment of the UK government's progress in implementing its National Adaptation Programme. This programme, published in July 2013, sets out the government's objectives and policies for adaptation primarily in England, addressing the risks and opportunities identified by the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA), first published in January 2012. The ASC published an Evidence Report to inform the second CCRA in July 2016, with the key findings subsequently presented by the government to Parliament in January 2017. Several of the six priority risk areas identified by the ASC as needing urgent further action relate to cities, including flooding and coastal change risks to communities, businesses and infrastructure; risks of shortages in the public water supply; and risks to health, well-being and productivity from higher temperatures. In 2015, the ASC produced its first statutory assessment of the National Adaptation Programme, followed by a second assessment in June 2017. These reports consider what actions are being taken to adapt to the current and future impacts of climate change across a number of sectors, and how vulnerability to climate hazards is changing over time. Both reports found that while much action is underway, it was in most cases unclear what impact those actions had had on reducing vulnerability or exposure to climate change. In 2018, the ASC is planning to publish a series of reports focussing on long-term adaptation outcomes for different geographical areas in England; cities, rural areas, and the coast. The rural and cities reports will be prepared jointly with the mitigation committee. This project will feed into the adaptation analysis for the report on cities. However, if the initiatives or projects covered by this research have practical lessons for how adaptation and mitigation goals can be considered and achieved together, these lessons should also be drawn out. The government is also developing its next National Adaptation Programme, due for publication in summer 2018. The ASC will evaluate this programme in 2019 and again in 2021. The ASC is considering whether to make any changes to its assessment framework to evaluate the degree of progress in climate change adaptation in England. As well as informing any amendments the ASC makes to its assessment framework, this work could also inform the next National Adaptation Programme. *****Please see specification for more information*****
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