Additional Acc. Scoil Mológa - Architectural Consultancy Services (including buying in of additional services for other disciplines as required) for Additional Accommodation Scheme 2019 project at Scoil Mológa, BÁC 16.
Architectural Consultancy Services (including buying in of additional services for other disciplines as required) for Additional Accommodation Scheme 2019 project at Scoil Mológa, BÁC 16. The project consists of 1 x 15m2 SET room (total area incl. walls and circulation 19m2), 1 x 10.5m2 WC for assisted users (total area incl. walls and circulation 13m2) and 4 x 80m2 Mainstream classrooms incl. ensuite toilets (total area incl. walls and circulation 388sqm). Prefab Replacement.The works are to be carried out at Scoil Mológa, an existing eight classroom Gaelscoil in Harold’s Cross. The school is connected to and adjacent to Harold’s Cross-National School, which is a wholly separate school. The field to the rear is under the ownership of Harold’s Cross School and cannot be relied upon for access to the site. The site is outlined in red in the attached OS Map. Access to the school is from Clareville Road only. The works will include the removal and disposal of the existing 2 classroom prefab unit, including all ground bearing structural slab and support. The new four classroom plus ancillary accommodation unit is proposed be located in zone vacated by the removal of the prefab unit. The design Team will be asked to consider this location and other options which may be preferable and may optimize the site potential more.Construction planning and management of the site will need to consider the limited site access, proposed location of the new block and school calendar.Given the site constraints, the design team will have to give due consideration to whether the works will be in one or two partsPlease note Department Guidelines state that“The design and construction of the works must (in the case of Classrooms) be for a permanent standalone structure which should be position where it will not interfere with any future development at the school and must (in the case of SET/Resource rooms) be joined to the existing building”.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
71221000 - Architectural services for buildings
71200000 - Architectural and related services
71220000 - Architectural design services
71000000 - Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors