Addressing future overheating risks within existing buildings
The CCC's Independent Assessment of UK Climate Risk identifies a large number of risks to the UK for which there is a good case for doing more to address these risks over the coming five years as part of the UK Government's next National Adaptation Programme. One of the most significant risks identified was 'Risks to human health, wellbeing and productivity from increased exposure to heat in homes and other buildings'. This risk was highlighted as one of the eight highest priority risks with opportunities to make progress in address them over the coming two years. Without additional adaptation efforts, heat related deaths and impacts on productivity are expected to grow significantly over the coming decades. Whilst the majority of these impacts are going to be experienced in the South-East of the UK - impacts will be felt right across the country. Addressing these risks will require ensuring new built houses and offices are fit for purpose, well-designed and effective heat-wave emergency response plans are in place and that the state of existing homes are upgraded where needed to reduce risks of overheating. In England it is currently estimated that around 20% of houses are at risk of overheating. There are multiple adaptation options identified in the evidence base to help address overheating in existing UK homes, but there is little in terms of coordinated efforts to help address overheating risks in existing buildings. Options include the installation of passive cooling measures (e.g external shading including natural shading, additional internal blinds and curtains, cool and green roofs, installing reflective surfaces and improved ventilation) and mechanical cooling (e.g. air conditioning). **** See Specification for more detail ****
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