Adult Care Assessors for Older People - Catch-Up - AWARD
Norfolk County Council wish to award a contract to reduce holding lists at pace to ensure people are supported in a timely manner and are supported to achieve ideal outcomes - living in the right place with the right level of support'. Norfolk County Council, like many other local authorities, has a holding list of referrals for people waiting an intervention including a Care Act assessment or reassessment, including supporting our focused post discharge assessment work. Undertaking Care Act assessments and reassessments is a statutory requirement where a person appears to the local authority to be in need of a community care service. The assessment of need, including a determination of eligibility under the Act, will include a strength's-based discussion between the person referred, their representatives and the assessor, where they will discuss care and support needs, and the goals the person wishes to achieve. This will include identifying the person's strengths, capacity within the person's social networks and local community to help and how the local authority will support the person to promote their independence to prevent, reduce and delay the need for formal care services. Where formal care services are required, the assessor will complete a Care & Support Plan with the person and help broker the services required either from community assets or commissioned services. Where safeguarding concerns, harm or other risks are identified, the assessor will ensure an appropriate response is arranged, usually supported or led by the local authority. The completion of the Care Act assessment or reassessment and Care & Support Plan for individuals who are on the Holding list will therefore be of benefit to the individuals and those supporting them, as well as supporting Norfolk County Council to meet its statutory duties and prepare for transformation of its ways of working. Skill Requirements Norfolk County Council, Adult Social Services are seeking a specialist agency to work with in partnership to complete Care Act assessments and Care and Support Plans for up to 1,000 people in line with our Promoting Independence Strategy, helping people stay independent for longer. A delivery partner will be flexible and be able to respond to evolving requirements throughout the term of a contract. We are looking for a partner who has access to highly skilled and experienced professionals with a strong focus on quality control. We are looking for a partner who can provide Social Workers who have up to date training by a recognised provider and enhanced DBS checks. All assessors must uphold the rights of people they assess and support Norfolk County Council and family members protect and respect the rights of those they support. This will include giving advice and guidance when the eligibility criteria is not met for formal services. The Provider must provide appropriate professional supervision, consultation and management support to the staff completing th...
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85312000 - Social work services without accommodation
85000000 - Health and social work services
85300000 - Social work and related services
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors