Adult Social Group Fund
Leicestershire County Council believe that adult social groups play a really important part in preventing isolation and loneliness for people and help to reduce or delay the need for social care.We have committed 100,000 per year for a Social Group Fund. The maximum any one club can apply for is 3,300.00.Our definition of a social group is a collection of people who come together regularly, share a common purpose or interest and are reciprocal in nature. Social Groups will (for the purpose of this fund) focus on adults (i.e. 18 years and over) who are isolated therefore potentially vulnerable and at risk of deteriorating health and wellbeing.The funding for Adult Social Groups is available to support existing groups or the development of new groups in the County of Leicestershire that prevent isolation, help people to feel part of their community and participate in social activity.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors