Advanced training course in Sustainable Food Packaging
For companies involved in food production, sustainability is a key strategic priority. Government policy including Action Plan for Climate Change and EU’s Farm to Fork Strategy, coupled with changing consumer demands means that Sustainability has become, and will remain a priority for years to come. A key part of the sustainability challenge, centres around the area of food packaging. From a sustainability perspective, food manufacturers need to become more innovative and sustainable in their packaging choices, however, this must be done without reducing standards in product freshness, quality, and food safety. Within our members responsibility for packaging and packaging innovation lies with a wide range of functions occupations – ie. NPD, Quality, Technical, Procurement, Marketing, Finance as well as a very small number of Packaging technologists. However, those with this responsibility would be greatly supported by upskilling in training specific to sustainable food packaging. In 2021, Food Drink Ireland Skillnet supported the develop of a Certificate programme in Sustainable Packaging. This course, which is an introductory course, is primarily designed for those in industry with a responsibility for Food packaging in their business, but who don’t have specific qualifications. There is now a requirement for an advanced level course – designed for qualified Packaging Technologists, as well as those who have completed the certificate course above.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
80511000 - Staff training services
80430000 - Adult-education services at university level
80530000 - Vocational training services
80510000 - Specialist training services
80522000 - Training seminars
80000000 - Education and training services
80532000 - Management training services
80210000 - Technical and vocational secondary education services
80300000 - Higher education services
80500000 - Training services
80400000 - Adult and other education services
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
Status :
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Tender Progress :
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High Value :
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Buyer Information
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors