Advice Services - Rochford District Council
Rochford District Council (RDC) and Essex County Council (ECC) are commissioning from the Advice Sector in order to support customers seeking independent advice on the problems they face. The services being commissioned support the delivery of RDC’s overarching Corporate Plan (see Appendix B). The specification has been informed by a Needs Analysis undertaken by RDC, and by the outcome of a customer and stakeholder consultation undertaken jointly with Maldon District Council during January to April 2015. RDC will be the lead commissioning organisation given that it will be providing the majority of the funding. The start date for this Contract is to be 1st April 2016 for a period of 3 years. RDC and ECC are offering a three year contract to a single provider or to organisations working in partnership – a lead organisation must be identified. The outcomes commissioned will be reviewed and agreed on an annual basis and may change year on year to reflect changing customer needs. Where new and emerging issues are identified, RDC and ECC may request additional data where available to help understand the impact on service provision and inform service improvement and future commissioning. Funding for subsequent years will be reviewed annually based on delivery of the previous year’s outcomes. In order to ensure you receive all documents and clarifications, please can you send an email expressing an interest in this project to Please send all clarification questions to
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors