Advisory 20mph Pilot Scheme - outside schools at 5 locations
Barnsley MBC are looking to undertake a pilot of advisory 20mph speed limits outside schools. We have identified 5 locations for the pilot and will require 13 signs to be installed as one site is on a dual carriageway. The specification details for the signs are as follows: The Council require a supplier to supply and fit the following standardised sign: Yellow backed retro-reflective signs in accordance with the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2016 Diagram 545 (600mm) (Schedule 2, Part 2, Item 25). In some cases this will have an associated 'Patrol' plate having an 'x' height of 75. The sign plate is to incorporate Diagrams 545.1 (Schedule 14, Part 2, Item 69) and 4004 (Schedule 14, Part 2, Item 23), at various sites across the borough of Barnsley. The flashing amber warning lights will need to be programmable, preferably via a Bluetooth link. Sign reflectivity to be in accordance with part 1 of the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2016, item 8 and to comply with BS EN 12899-1 Class 2. Signs to be erected on pre-installed poles with sub-service electrical connections. •Please note this is a BMBC standardised design •No deviations will be accepted •BMBC's aim is to enable a 'standard' to be set for the signs around the borough which motorists will recognise and will enable Officers to programme the timers from one design, as opposed to multiple units. The flashing amber lights within the sign should be programmable and only activate during term time, at school arrival and leaving times. Occasionally the flashing amber warning lights will be required to operate using solar power. A warranty period of a minimum 5 years will be required on each sign from date of acceptable fit
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CPV Codes
34970000 - Traffic-monitoring equipment
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors