Agile Working & EDM Solution
Worthing Homes are looking for an Agile Working and Electronic Document Management (EDM) solution which will transform the way the organisation currently works. The Agile Working Solution will be used across the business to collect information electronically and then, based on either defined workflow rules (which Worthing Homes can configure in the proposed solution) or direct interfacing / integration, process the information collected efficiently, either to staff for approval or into the current business systems. The proposed solutions needs to include a Form Designer which can be used by end users (who have no programming knowledge). Once the forms have been created the proposed solution must allow Worthing Homes to publish them to: Different mobile device platforms The web for display on websites To apps which can be downloaded by Worthing Homes clients or used by Worthing Homes staff. To ensure our staff have a full 360o view of our customers when working remotely or when they are in office, the Agile Working solution must be fully integrated with Worthing Homes current business systems. The Agile Working solution must enable our staff to take payments from our customers. When staff are using the Mobile Working Solution it must provide secure offline working capabilities if the device has no connection to Wi-Fi or a Mobile Data network. EN Standard form 02 - Contract notice 5 / 16 Worthing Homes currently has an EDM system, however it is very basic, it is difficult to find information, doesn’t support document retention / destruction rules and thus makes it very hard for Worthing Homes to manage the information held in the system effectively. As a result Worthing Homes are looking for a replacement system. The proposed EDM solution must be fully integrated with the proposed Agile Working Solution so that users of the system can easily retrieve information, create new documents, store photos and videos taken on the device in the system. The proposed EDM must enable Worthing Homes to work more efficiently when handling both physical and electronically received documents. Physical documents need to be scanned into the system so that all the information can be fully searchable. The proposed EDM solution should be integrated with Microsoft Office and Microsoft Outlook to provide easy filing and retrieval of documents, presentations, spreadsheets, emails, photos, videos, etc. The appointed supplier will be fully responsible for delivering the end to end solution and ensure all relevant data held in current business systems e.g. the current EDM solution is transferred so that these systems can be decommissioned.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors