Agreement for an Integrated Library Services Platform
OJEU Reference - 2016/S 162-292376 The University’s current Library Management System is an essential technology framework which the library depends upon to support daily operations and deliver content and services to staff, students and other library users. We currently use the Ex Libris Aleph system (Version 22), alongside EBSCO’s Discovery Service for electronic resource discovery. We do not currently have an electronic resource management (ERM) product. The Aleph system has been in place for over 10 years, with a number of customised integrations and enhancements developed over time to meet the University’s needs, for example the integration with the University’s Data Exchange System (DES) which handles all user accounts within university systems; also the integration with the University’s online fee payment system (ViP). The University is seeking to Identify, procure and implement a ‘next generation’ integrated Library Services Platform that will support the institutional aims and objectives of Liverpool John Moores University. We wish to transform user experience by selecting a system which maximises resources discovery and we aim to select a system that will transform library staff processes and workflows The Library environment has significantly changed over the past decade as the needs and expectations of its increasingly digital-native student population evolve. Currently 80% of our recurrent annual spend is on electronic resources. We currently provide 60,000 serials of which 50,000 are electronic; 150,000 e-books and approx. 300,000 physical items. Although we do not expect print and hard-copy collections to disappear, our systems need to reflect that the balance will continue to shift toward the digital. Library Services therefore seeks to take the opportunity offered by recent developments in the library systems market-place to update its library management and discovery systems enabling us to provide a state of the art digital library experience for students, addressing the growing digital expectations of students, researchers and staff, enhancing and underpinning our service offering as we prepare to move to the new library facilities at Copperas Hill. It is also our aim to create more efficient processes and work-flows, and by making these efficiencies ensure services are delivered in a seamless, timely and effective manner and further improve ease of use and accessibility to information. Liverpool John Moores University are currently in the process of procuring a procurement portal however as of yet does not have the facility for e-tendering. To request all relevant tender documentation please contact Lowri Willis, Procurement Services, via e-mail, on
Published Date :
Deadline :
Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
79995000 - Library management services
92510000 - Library and archive services
48160000 - Library software package
72212000 - Programming services of application software
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
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Designation :
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Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors