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AHDB African Swine Fever Workshops - Producer Contingency Planning
AHDB are seeking quotes for a project partner to run a series of pig producer facing workshops to work on individual contingency plans in preparation for a possible incursion of African Swine Fever (ASF). This project forms part of a wider area of work concerned with preparing the English pig and pork industry for a potential outbreak ASF is a viral disease of pigs which represents a significant and growing threat to the British pig and pork sector. AHDB has been working with the National Pig Association and other industry partners on ASF prevention and awareness and has recently delivered two pilot workshops to producers in partnership with a contingency planning specialist. The aim has been to enable individual producers to work with continency planning experts and their own vets to create bespoke contingency plans. These pilots have been successful and AHDB intends to roll the programme out more widely and offer producers across England the chance to attend a workshop.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors