Airedale, Wharfedale and Craven CCG Enhanced Diabetes and Specialist Podiatry
Contract Award for Service. General overview and objectives of service AWC CCG is procuring an Enhanced Diabetes and Specialist Podiatry Service that will deliver: - Desired outcomes for patients with diabetes and patients in need of specialist podiatry - An integrated system of care - A sustainable model that encourages innovation and maximizes value for money The new approach to commission for outcomes through a new model of care for people with diabetes and specialist podiatric need is intended to: - Enable all adults to maximise their capabilities and have control over their condition - Strengthen the role and impact of ill health prevention - Ensure high quality of care, effectiveness, safety and patient experience - Improve cost efficiency through more emphasis on patient outcomes achieved by development of new contract and commissioning models - Deliver more care closer to home The service will provide an integrated comprehensive patient centred service for adults with diabetes who require an enhanced level of care and for children and adults who need specialist podiatric care. The key aims of the service are to: - Deliver a new model of high quality care which improves experience and outcomes for individuals - Ensure accountability for overall care and delivery of outcomes - Provide an accessible service with one single point of contact for HCP's and service users - Ensure specialist input including consultant diabetologist, dietician, podiatrist and diabetic specialist nurse, where necessary, to assess, manage care and deliver outcomes - Provide structured education which includes self-management and prevention advice for newly diagnosed patients with diabetes - Provide psychological support for service users - Provide support, advice and education to General Practice - Assess risk and manage the foot care needs beyond the scope of AQP Podiatry arrangements for all relevant conditions both for diabetic and non-diabetic patients - Reduce health inequalities by using innovative approaches to engage with hard to reach groups and service users - Provide care in the community, closer to service users homes that meet service users preferences and expectations - Promote independence and activity with service users to support their health and well being - Promote the prevention agenda The provider of this services will ensure: - Improved outcomes for individuals - Consistently high standards of service provision and delivery - A high quality service demonstrated through service user feedback and improved outcomes for individuals - A commitment to developing an innovative approach to care delivery including use of technology An outcomes based approach has been adopted for the service specification and the providers as clinical experts should focus on providing services as necessary to deliver the specified outcomes and high quality care for service users
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CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors