Airfield Services
The airfield services project will enable the airfield infrastructure that is being constructed by CADP to be brought into operational use. The main elements of this scheme include fixed electrical ground power (FEGP), airfield ground lighting (AGL), stand services and the associated systems required for airfield operational management.The existing AGL systems will be updated to reflect the new airfield layout consisting of the following items:— Stop bar lights;— Intermediate holding position lights;— Taxiway centreline lights (bidirectional and direction switchable lights);— Taxiway blue edge lights;— Tug guidance lights;— Illuminated signs;— Runway guard lights;— Airfield ground lighting control and monitoring system.This project will also include the provision of the necessary aircraft stand services to enable the operation in the new airfield layout, consisting of the following items:— Painted markings;— Floodlighting;— Stand entry guidance systems;— Stand number ind.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45235110 - Construction work for airfields.
Tenderbase Categories
Engineering/ Waste Management/ Pipelines / Telephone and Communication Line/ Roads and Highways/ Railways and Cable Transport/Water Project
Status :
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors